How Long Does the Translation Services in Dubai Take?

Deadline for the services of Translation Dubai to deliver the result with quality varies; avoid leaving for the last hour.

Certainly counting on the services of a translation company was on your schedule when deciding to do an exchange, take foreign citizenship or close the report to the client. Now, the deadline is very close, and you need the translated material as soon as possible.

This is the situation that translators face when negotiating a job. Before stipulating the delivery date and even the price of the service, the professional needs to evaluate the material, taking into account factors such as urgency of demand, number of words and technical capacity to perform the work.

In general, simple translations with few pages can be ready in up to two business days. Already certified translations or techniques require more careful translation company because they have to enable a professional suitable to accomplish the task, and it may take around five working days to translate a few pages.

Now, if the translation you need is too long, like a complete book, for example, the time to do the work increases. To fulfill this mission with quality and within a shorter period of time, many times more than one translator participates in the process, and another professional evaluates the result to guarantee the cohesion and coherence of the text.

It is worth remembering that translations into English and Spanish have a greater number of competent professionals working in the market. French, German and Italian translators are rarer, and those with knowledge in languages ​​such as Russian, Greek and Armenian, for example, are very difficult to find and have a greater number of requests to handle, which can delay your plans.


Sometimes it is inevitable to ask the translation company for the service only at the last minute. It may happen that you didn’t know about the need for translation before, or the service became necessary only at that moment, or you just forgot to ask for a quote in advance.

However, if this happens, know that you run the risk of not being able to have your material translated in time. Some companies have the practice of charging an urgent fee, but depending on what you need, it is still not possible to make a commitment.

In order not to count on luck, it is best to prevent yourself. Find out some tips that will facilitate the work of translators and ensure that your translation is done on time:

  • If you are preparing to do an exchange, be aware that you will need to carry out certified translations of undergraduate degrees or courses.
  • To acquire foreign citizenship, depending on nationality, you will need to carry out a simple and certified translation of a series of documents, such as birth, marriage and death certificates.
  • Make your request by email, with the file to be translated attached. As it is essential for the translator to analyze the material before the deadline, this simple attitude will prevent you from becoming frustrated after calling the place and receiving guidance.
  • Whenever you need translation services, preferably sent to the person in charge an open file with all the text that must be translated into the language.
  • If you decide to add some more material after closing the deal, the term and value of the service may change. Prefer to send everything at once to avoid surprises.